"Retsoor" Chap Book via Ghost City Press' 2021 Summer Series

It’s an honor to have been selected to be part of Ghost City Press’ 2021 Summer Series. I highly recommend downloading any of the chapbooks they publish (daily) each summer, they have fantastic taste in editors and writers. This summer is no exception. Giant thank you to editors Jeremy Boyd and Kwan Ann Tan for accepting this collection of twelve brand new poems into the Ghost City family. Shout out to Jill Braithwaite for her patience and editorial savvy, we worked hard to hammer these together, both on an individual and collective level. It’s my hope that they’re cumulative, relentless and exponential. I don’t always think of them as poems, but I’m also not sure of what else to call them. Either way, they're free and in chapbook form here. A Tremendous Savings. Print copies are coming soon. Sign up for my gentle, infrequent newsletter to find out when and how to buy one. (Soon!)

2021 Summer Series edited by Jeremy Boyd and Kwan Ann Tan

Poster design by Nick Larson


The Nervous Breakdown

